
test «The role of charities and business entities in the restoration of Ukraine»




The Geneva Centre for Philanthropy (GCP), in collaboration with Academician F. H. Burchak Scientific-Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship, Ukraine, is delighted to invite you to a webinar entitled:


«The role of charities and business entities

in the restoration of Ukraine»


8 June 2023 | 8.45 am - 12.15 pm

Zoom only (registration required)




While many international donors have been relatively quick to provide assistance to civilians affected by the war in Ukraine, the reconstruction of the country will require substantial resources and hence, the contribution of a multitude of actors.


What challenges will the country face in the restoration phase? What is the role for partnership and collaboration amongst public and private actors? How to respond effectively to the needs of a country which is rebuilding itself?


Over a year after the beginning of the war, the aim is to start exploring the role that charities and institutions, both public and private, can play in the reconstruction process in Ukraine.


The programme is structured around half a day covering four topics: partnership, impact investing, digital transformation and legal regulation, taxation and governance.


With the participation of:

  • Prof. Olga Bakalinska, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ukraine
  • Mathieu Crettenand, Horizon académique, UNIGE
  • Philipp Fischer,  Attorney of Law, Partner, Abels avocats, Academic fellow, GCP
  • Dr. Lucia Gomez Teijeiro, Behavioural Philanthropy Lab, UNIGE
  • Ilona Havronska, Ministry of Digital transformation, Ukraine
  • Simon Inglis, Global Managed Services, Global Grants & Relief Fund Management solution and Ukraine Reconstruction Taskforce, Ernst & Young LLP
  • Dr. Volodymyr Kochyn, Nazovni tech, Ukraine
  • Dr. Volodymyr Korol, Head of Private International Law and European Integration Legal Problems Department, Academician F. H. Burchak Scientific-Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship, Ukraine
  • Mariia Kostiv, PhD candidate, UNIGE
  • Dr. Giedre Lideikyte-Huber, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, UNIGE
  • Charlotte Lindsey, Chief Public Policy Officer, CyperPeace Institute
  • Mara de Monte, Executive Director, GCP, UNIGE
  • Sandra Mossios, Partner, Valuation, Modelling & Economics – Contentious Valuations & Damages, Ernst & Young LLP 
  • Prof. Giulia Neri-Castracane, Faculty of Law, UNIGE
  • Prof. Henry Peter, Head, GCP, UNIGE
  • Vincent Pfammatter, Attorney of Law, Partner, sigma legal, Academic fellow, GCP
  • Prof. Oleg Podtserkovnyi, Nazovni Tech, Ukraine
  • Ramiz Ramazanov, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva
  • Prof. Giuseppe Ugazio, Geneva Finance Research Institute, UNIGE
  • Karen Wilson, Founder GV Partners and Board Member European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) 

Click here to discover the programme.


Registration required.


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23 janv. 2022
